Thursday, October 13, 2011

Maria Montessori was the first woman physician in Italy. She worked very hard to achieve her goals. She started teaching children in 1907. Although the conditions were not the best, she found an alternative way to traditional teaching.
While working with her children, she realized that they learned using their senses, so she started to develop games and tools that allowed children to learn subjects like maths and language by using different materials.

Maria Montessori was a great educator and an incredible human being who believed in the human race and never gave up fighting the injustices of life. Having a sad and complicated life, she devoted herself to education.
Maria Montessori is a model to follow. The respect and admiration to other human beings, especially to children, is one of the things that surprised me the most. She is certainly one of those people who made a great impact on me. 


Noe said...

Maria Montessori is definitely an educator teachers should take into account. She shows that education must be understood beyond traditional teaching and learning. She puts special emphasis on respect, freedom and responsability in the class. She considers it is important for teachers to have emphathy and to understand student´s needs. Besides, teachers should be creative enough to motivate students to become active and enjoy learning.

marumarinucci said...

Montessori education is characterized by an emphasis on independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child’s natural psychological development.
She believed that children at liberty to choose and act freely within an environment would act spontaneously for optimal development.