Thursday, November 29, 2007

Cecilia Braslavsky (1952-2005)

She was an intellectual, but above all, an educator. As the daughter of a school teacher, and since the apple does not fall that far from the tree, she devoted her life to the betterment and quality of education in Latin America.

She was an avid researcher, and in the year 2000 she became the first Argentinean woman to run the International Bureau of Education of UNESCO. During her term she tried to raise awareness in Europe of the particular needs of Latin American countries.

Throughout her life she wrote a great amount of papers. Unfortunately, I have not read all her work, but I have to say that the first one I read was an interesting piece of research. Diez estrategias para promover la calidad de la educación en un mundo en movimiento (2004) is a monograph that summarizes in ten "simple" items the necessary factors to guarantee a better education in this day and age. Dealing with issues ranging from the sense of belonging of those involved in the educational process, to the importance of teamwork among different institutions, to criticizing the way in which the quality of education is controlled.

The topics are presented simply, and seem appeal to common sense, but someone once said that this is the least common of all senses. I agree. Many people know what it takes to do things right, but they can never get those who have the power to do it... to do it. She has appealed to those in power in several international Congresses and has presented her ideas to people who will carry on with her legacy. Her struggle for the improvement of the educational possibilities in Latin America has crossed the boundaries of continents and cultures trying to bring about a better future for students.

For a brief biography and detail of her life's work, I have included a link at the end of this entry (see Interesting links). I hope you take the time to read through it, and learn more about one of the many people who, still after they are gone, produce a lasting impression on their field and a desire to better the best of possibilities.

Interesting Links:

- Homenaje a Cecilia Braslavsky. (Número especial de la Revista Electrónica Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación (REICE), por Inés Dussel)

- C. Braslavsky, Diez estrategias para promover la calidad de la educación en un mundo en movimiento (2004). In memoriam of Cecilia Braslavsky. UNESCO.